
Creating your current IDEAL WEEK

Last week I shared my “to-do list system” (if you missed it or want to read it again you can find it here).

This week, as the subject line suggests, I’m sharing how to create your current “Ideal Week.”

I say “current” because sometimes when people talk about “ideal weeks” they’re talking about how things will look and feel when you hit that goal or are “where you want to be.”

What I mean for Ideal Week is, how you’d like your current week to flow.

To get started write down:

  1. The things you do daily and how long you spend on each one (meditating, reading, exercising, checking email, checking social media, making phone calls, whatever it is for you)
  2. The things you do each week and how long it takes to complete them (Each step of sending your NL, creating social media posts, networking, phone calls, etc)
  3. How much time you spend with clients each week/day – or how much time you want to spend (I generally have client calls on Wed and Thu).
  4. When are you working? What are your hours? When do you start and when do you leave?
  5. When is lunch and how long?

Start blocking out the time on a calendar where you can see the entire week by the hour.

I created a separate Google calendar just for this. With my Google calendars I can see my business/personal calendar and my ideal calendar at the same time and move things around as needed – this way I make sure I don’t forget something I do weekly (wait, didn’t I do that already, nope, that was LAST week).

Here’s what to do with that week calendar:

  1. Decide if you’re doing Monday-Friday, the entire week or something else
  2. Add lunch to each day
  3. Add the things you do each day
  4. Add your client time to the week
  5. Add the things you do each week
  6. Add time to plan next week to Friday or whenever works best for you
  7. Breathe!
  8. The remaining time is for your business building projects. Those tasks on your MASTER list that don’t fit into any of the categories that have already been added.

Depending on how full your week is, it might not seem like there’s a lot of time left for the projects – THAT’S OKAY. Knowing that will help you NOT to over plan your week. And if you can always adjust your Ideal Week as needed (it’s YOUR week after all).

You can watch the Wednesday Live with Evie I did on this topic here.

What are your questions around this? Maybe you’re wondering how to set this up for yourself? Comment below with your questions.

Creating the 3 lists prevent overwhelm

Wednesday Live with Evie

When I don’t create these lists I get very overwhelmed because it feels like everything has to be done now and then I do nothing but watch YouTube or play silly games on my phone.

When I am working with these three lists, something amazing happens—I get a lot done and I’m NOT overwhelmed. This happens because I feel like I have a plan in place (because I do) and it will all get done.

Here’s a quick outline of what I share in the video:

  • Why you should take the time to create a to-do list even when you’re super busy
  • How to create the three lists and use them
  • The most common reasons people stop using the three lists and what to do about it

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How to create the 3 lists that prevent overwhelm

Last week someone in a Facebook group I’m in asked for suggestions and tips on a “to-do list system.” What she was currently doing wasn’t working.

I responded and then realized I’ve never shared this method with you – although I’ve talked about it broad terms before.

Before I get into the nitty gritty, I’m reminded that about 4 years ago I did a very informal productivity survey over the phone with some of my business buddies and acquaintances.

When I asked if they had to-do lists I heard the following responses from people who didn’t have one:

  1. When I have time and I’m not really busy, then I keep a to-do list.
  2. When I have a to-do list more seems to get done.

When you’re really busy is exactly when you need a to-do list, because when you have one more gets done.

Yes, when you’re really busy it’s tempting to think “I’m too busy to take time to write a to-do list.” However, the time to create this system for yourself will keep you on task AND save you time.

How will it save you time?

You won’t have to spend 5 minutes (or more) every time one task is finished to mentally go through everything that needs to be done and pick the next item. Only getting to the end of the day to remember that you forgot to do something super important.

And it will prevent what I used to do all the time: you stop doing the current task 5-15 minutes away from it being done because your brain starts thinking about what you need to do next and you move on to that. Now you have a bunch of almost finished tasks hanging around.

So, without further ado, here’s the system I shared:

I have three lists:

  1. Master list – everything you want to get done.
    It’s important to have this list so everything is written down in ONE place.
  2. Week list – what you want to accomplish this week
    This is important to have because you can strategically decide ONCE what projects and tasks you want to complete this week.
  3. Today’s list – what you’ll do today.
    This list is super important because it prevents overwhelm. You’re only looking at today’s list and don’t have to think about everything else you want to do.

When I don’t create these lists I get very overwhelmed because it feels like everything has to be done now and then I do nothing but watch YouTube or play silly games on my phone.

When I am working with these three lists, something amazing happens—I get a lot done and I’m NOT overwhelmed. This happens because I feel like I have a plan in place (because I do) and it will all get done.

So, how do you get started?

If you don’t have a master list, or haven’t done a brain dump recently—this is the time.

Take some time to write down EVERYTHING floating around in your head. Then start to group by project (things that need to be done weekly, monthly, home, website, client, whatever makes sense to you). This becomes your master list.

For your weekly list pick 5 Most Important tasks this week (these are things that if NOTHING else gets done, but these do, you’ll feel like it was a good week). 5 important tasks for the week, and 5 additional tasks. Don’t forget to estimate how long each task will take and write it to the right of the task.

There are two ways I recommend for creating today’s list. Pick the one that will work the best for you:

  • Pick 1 Most important task, 2 important tasks, and 2 additional tasks. These might not line up exactly with the titles on your weekly list, because sometimes priorities change as the week progresses.
  • Look at your calendar and notice how much time you have in the morning and afternoon to complete tasks. From your weekly list pick your tasks for the morning and afternoon. Keep in mind how long you estimated each task would take. Always error on the side of not scheduling enough!

One of the beautiful things about this system is you don’t need an expensive planner. All you need is a notebook or two. I have one binder with my monthly and weekly lists and a small notebook with today’s list.

You can watch the Wednesday Live with Evie I did on this topic here.

What are your questions around this? Maybe you’re wondering how to set this up for yourself? Comment below with your questions.

How do you react to life’s unexpected twists?

The past few days have had a couple of unexpected twists!

Nothing bad happened, just unexpected.

  1. We weren’t able to see Nate’s sister and her husband over the holidays and found out late last week that they were going to be visiting Nate’s parents. So, we spent Sunday afternoon and evening there.
  2. On Saturday I took my car in for an overdue oil change. And I found out that a gasket was going bad and my car was slowly leaking oil. A fairly quick trip was now longer.
  3. And just before I sat down to write this, Nate popped into ask if I could help him with a work task of his this afternoon.

How would you react to these unexpected twists?

You can be honest, no one will know your answer but you 😉

A couple of years ago this is what would have happened:

  1. I would have been frustrated that I didn’t know about their trip earlier and now need to change my plans or stay home alone! (I plan out my week on Sunday afternoons)
  2. Overwhelmed because my car needed work done and now my afternoon of plans needed to change.
  3. Annoyed because apparently my husband doesn’t think I have anything to do this afternoon because my calendar is blank.

Maybe that sounds familiar?

Here’s what actually happened:

  1. I was excited to see my sister- and brother-in-law and catch up with them. Yay family time!
  2. I was relieved that they found the problem before our trip, but concerned that it wouldn’t be done. I shared this with them and they were able to complete the work that day!
  3. I agreed to help him later and I knew that no was an option 🙂 I set the expectation that I’d need to return to my office for a bit later this evening to wrap some things up.

Going from one set of reactions to the other didn’t happen overnight. It’s a combination of:

  • knowing what needs to be done, even if I haven’t planned out the current week, because I’ve taken the time to set goals and plan for them over the month.
  • changing my relationship with my goals, tasks and time. Sometimes my goals felt like they were a square peg and time was a round hole.

Which area currently most trips you up?

I talked about this LIVE on Facebook here.

Let me know what trips you up when life sends you unexpected twists!

Wrapping things up

Welcome to 2017!

I’ve spent the last couple days dreaming what I want 2017 to look like and doing some planning. No surprise there though 🙂

Today I had planned on wrapping up that planning, but instead found myself wrapping up a different project. I completed my last promotional task for ICF Chicago. I’m grateful for the time I spent volunteering with ICFC, but it also feels good to be done.

From there I dove into my email. Gmail manages my email and I let it sort it into the 4 categories it gives you. All newsletters end up in one category and in a week I can easily accumulate over 100 emails there.

I generally skim through for the emails I want to read now and save the rest for later.

I realized that there were a number of emails that I haven’t read in a while. Looking over them I realized a majority are from people that I personally LOVE, but I’m not actually interested in their business content. I’m more interested in their lives and personal Facebook posts.

I must have unsubscribed from about a dozen lists today after having that realization.

There is a theme here, you might have noticed it—it’s wrapping things up and letting things go.

I’ve let go of a few things in the last couple of weeks. They include:

  • Volunteer positions
  • Email subscriptions
  • An old hurt that was holding me back
  • Christmas traditions that no longer are helpful
  • Clutter in my Facebook feed
  • My old newsletter format (I loved the simplicity of this format so much last week that I’m keeping it!)

And this is my Facebook Live topic for this week too. You can view it here.

I talk about wrapping up things up and letting go of things, and how to intentionally let things in (nature abhors a vacuum – ever cleaned off a counter and noticed how quickly it gets filled?).​​

What do you want to let go of? Share below!