
Getting things done when you’re not 100%

Wednesday Live with Evie #8

How do you handle everything that needs to be done when you’re not 100%? Or how does it trip you up?

I shared:

  • How my 3-lists kept me from being derailed
  • How I took care of myself AND got some things done

And if you want to catch next week’s Wednesday Live with Evie—head over to Facebook and like my page here (that way you’ll receive a notification when I go live)!

When you’re sick

A friend from out of town was in Chicago-land this weekend so a group of us went out for lunch on Saturday and hung out for a bit. It was so much fun!

It was good for me to get out of the house. You see, on Thursday, I developed a sore throat.  I went to a networking event on Friday and hung back a bit. Normally, I’ll stand and mingle until the event officially starts. That day I didn’t. I found a seat and let people come to me – and it worked out great.

Friday afternoon I had a project I wanted to work on, but I was tired.

In the car, before I left the parking lot I wrote down 4 things that I wanted to do when I got home and none of them where that project.

I had 2 confirmation emails that I wanted to send, I wanted to plan the following week (this week) and either read or nap.

Can you guess which one didn’t get done?

In the past, it would have easily been the reading/nap that I gave up on. However, on Friday, I postponed planning. I knew I could do it on Sunday afternoon instead.

So, Friday afternoon, after sending the 2 confirmation emails, I took a 2+ hour nap.

It was fabulous!

And I think I would have felt tired and icky on Saturday if I hadn’t done that.

I’m still not 100%, so I’m cautiously optimistic about this week. AND I know that if my plans get changed due to not feeling as well as I could be, that’s okay too.

In the comments below share how you handle what you want to get done when you’re not feeling 100% or how it trips you up.

You can see the Wednesday Live with Evie I did on this topic here.

Don’t forget to like me on my Facebook page here to get a notification when I go live next.

How do YOU do your best work?

Wednesday Live with Evie #7

Have you put much thought into how YOU do your best work? and the pieces that contribute to your best days?

I shared:

  • The physical set up of where you work
  • The mental aspect of when and how you work best
  • And the most overlooked aspect – your body / self-care!
  • What a bag of marbles has to do with all of this

And if you want to catch next week’s Wednesday Live with Evie—head over to Facebook and like my page here (that way you’ll receive a notification when I go live)!

How you do your best work

A couple of friends and I went to see Kyle Cease at his two-hour version of his 2-day event “Evolving Out Loud.” He went long, and we couldn’t have been happier. It was a great show.

So, it was a bit of a late Saturday night, followed by an early Sunday morning.

And it reminded me that sometimes we forget about aspects like sleeping when we plan our days or weeks.

Last week I shared how to create your Ideal Week.

This week let’s talk about another aspect of your day – how you work your best.

This includes physical (your workspace), mental (when you work best), and body aspects (taking care of yourself).

And energy leaks (that chip in the wall that bothers you every time you see it).

You can watch the Wednesday Live with Evie I did on this topic here.

Don’t forget to like my Facebook page here to get a notification when I go live next.

Creating AND using your Ideal Week.

Wednesday Live with Evie #6

When I write “Ideal Week” I don’t mean how your week will look and feel when you hit that big goal or are “where you want to be.”

What I mean by Ideal Week is, how you’d like your current week to flow.

Here’s a quick outline of what I share:

  • Why knowing your current ideal week is so important
  • How I created my ideal week – the tools I use (and I’ll share how to get something that might work for you if my way doesn’t)
  • How to use your Ideal Week with the 3 lists from last week

To receive a notification next time I go live, like my Facebook page: One Insight Closer