Your Inner Three Year Old

I heard someone say the other day that we all need to embrace our inner three year old. Now, before you run off to start drawing on walls and take your afternoon nap, I don’t think that’s what he meant (although I could occasionally use an afternoon nap). If you have young kids, or have spent any time with them, you know that the world is really exciting to them.  Many of their experiences are brand new and exciting. They take everything in (even the stuff you wish they wouldn’t) with fresh eyes and aren’t afraid to ask questions.

Today and this weekend look at the world through the eyes of a three year old.  Look at people and places like they’re brand new to you and a wonderful experience.  And when you have a question, ask it without worrying if it’s appropriate.

In the comments, tell me what everyday things become magical when looking at it with the eyes of a three year old.

Lottery ticket

What if You Won the Lottery?

Lottery ticketI used to come home after work and be completely exhausted. At the time my total commute time each day was just over an hour and a half and I generally had been at work for 9-10 hours. I’d get home and just want to sit in front of the TV or computer and veg out. I was talking to someone recently that is in a similar situation, but she is aware that the fatigue she’s feeling is mostly in her head. She pointed out that if someone were to call her while she was tired and vegging out and tell her that she just won the lottery she would suddenly have LOTS of energy! And nothing but her attitude would have changed.

Being aware that you have the power to change how you feel is a great first step toward doing it. I know that for me, I can know I have the power to change my attitude and still find it really difficult to do. I know that sometimes I really enjoyed wallowing in it. I enjoyed the woe-is-me place because I didn’t have to do a lot there. I got to sit on my butt and watch TV because, dang it, I deserved it after the crappy day I had and besides, I was just soooo tired!

So, what are somethings you can do to change that I’m-too-tired feeling?

  • Give yourself permission to have that feeling for 10 minutes. Set a timer if that helps you and then get up and do something else (or move on to one of the other suggestions below”
  • What is one thing that you want to accomplish? Go and do that.
  • Go for a walk or get some exercise. It’ll get your blood moving!
  • Get more sleep! Go to bed earlier or get up a little later
  • Drink more water. Being tired could be a sign that you’re not getting enough water.
  • Eat something. Maybe you’re blood sugar is low.

What are somethings that you do to re-energize yourself like you won the lottery?

Are You Fully Present?

What are the things that make you feel really alive? When are you fully present in the moment? Find those things and do more of them!

This week notice the activities or people that make you feel truly alive and fully present or engaged in the moment. Put a piece of paper into your wallet or purse (along with a pen!) and write them down as you notice them. Review the list at the end of your day and add anything else (or person) that comes to mind. At the end of the week review the list and note any common themes or trends. How can you incorporate those activities or people into your life more? What other things can you do that are along the same theme?

Participating in the activities that make you feel alive and fully present in the moment give you an uplifting energy that is powerful and is a great gift to give yourself.

Thank You Notes

When was the last time you wrote a thank you note?  Here’s another question: When was the last time you wrote a thank you note and really meant it.

Early this week I sat down and wrote out some notes to people (sent via USPS even).  One note was a thank you to a couple who saw me by myself during a networking event and immediately headed my direction and made me feel right at home.  It was a short note, but it felt really good to write it and acknowledge the kindness.

I started to think about other notes I’ve written to people, email or otherwise.  I realized I probably don’t send as many as I should.  It also reminded me of a thank you email I sent almost a year and a half ago. Generally you don’t thank someone for something like this, unless it’s dripping with sarcasm.  I assure that my thank you was heartfelt.  What was I thanking someone for?  It was a bad review I received that I mark as the start of the journey that lead me to become a coach.

In the next couple days write a thank you note or a note acknowledging someone for something they did.  It will raise your spirit and the spirit of the person receiving it.