What will you be awake worrying about tonight when trying to sleep?

Do you ever find yourself avoiding a project or task?

You know it needs to be done, but you find any number of other things to do first.

Then, when you’re trying to sleep, your brain is busy reminding you of the things you should have done today but didn’t.

Earlier this year, this was happening to me.

I kept pushing the same small project off, and then I’d lay awake worrying about it at night.

I started asking myself a question every day and then did at least one task from the answer was done that day.

The question is: What will you be awake worrying about tonight when trying to sleep?

I’ll be honest, starting this project felt a bit like pulling teeth. But once I got started, it was easier.

AND I spent more time thinking and worrying about the project than it actually took to complete.

The result was, I started sleeping better at night.

My question for you is: What will you be awake worrying about tonight when trying to sleep?

Complete at least one small task regarding your answer today and soon it’ll be done and it won’t be keeping you up anymore!