
I mowed their lawn and enjoyed it

Nate (my husband) and I spent Saturday at his parent’s house doing chores.

Well, Nate did a majority of the chores.

The chore that I did do was mowing the lawn.

Mowing lawns is something that I detest, and it’s also something I enjoy. It depends on how it’s done.

Detest: Push mowing.
Enjoy: Riding lawn mower.

My sister was the opposite. She preferred using the push mower. It worked out well for us as teens mowing our large yard and our older neighbor’s also large yard.

Thankfully, mowing my in-laws’ lawn involved a riding lawn mower.

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, why I’m sharing this with you… what’s the tie in with my business?

Is there a task in your business that you HATE? Something that you just can’t stand and want to put off or ignore altogether?

Maybe you don’t have the right tool to do the task.


That’s all I wrote yesterday.

Call it writer’s block, being stuck, or something else. A topic for a 15-30 minute Wednesday LIVE with Evie wasn’t showing itself from that story.

Then last night I was at a networking event, chatting with someone in my productivity course that started last week.

She shared that the first class was HUGE for her (where I shared about how to create, manage, and tweak your to-do lists).

The fun part was that she knew the basics of what I was teaching. She’d tried to do it before and it wasn’t working (her version of my push mower).

But I shared an approach she hadn’t tried before and she was SO EXCITED to get started with it (her version of my riding lawn mower).

So, I ask you again, slightly differently: is there a something in your business that just isn’t working? You’ve tried and tried and it just isn’t working for you?

Maybe you need a new approach.

So, let’s talk about that.

For this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie, let’s talk about What’s not working and new approaches. Check out the Facebook event here for more information.

Update: You can watch this Wednesday LIVE with Evie here.

Business and Busy-ness

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #26

Busy-ness – when you’re busy are you engaged or “full of distracting detail”?

Is productivity just about being “busy” and getting as much done as possible?

We dive into those topics and talk about how to make your “busy” more about being engaged and less about “distracting details”.

The “busy” epidemic

In addition to today being Monday and over halfway through June, it’s also our 13th wedding anniversary.

One of Nate (my husband) and I’s favorite “date” activities is going for a drive. We don’t have a destination (although on our long drives we usually find ourselves on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago), we just drive (well, he drives) and are sometimes in silence and at other times talk.

Sometimes we have talk radio on at a low volume, turning it up when we hear something that sounds interesting.

Yesterday, one of the hosts mentioned that she had received several emails from people she didn’t personally know over the last 24 hours that all started with “I’m sure you’re really busy, but….”

She those emails made her realize that we have a “busy” epidemic. And how “busy” you are is a status thing, something to strive for.

And she thinks it’s a big problem.

I’m inclined to agree with her.

Let’s talk about that.

For this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie, let’s talk about Business and Busy-ness. Check out the Facebook event here for more information.

Update: You can find this Wednesday LIVE with Evie here.

Networking and Your Schedule

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #25

Can’t see the video above? Click here.

If you network a bunch one week, you might find that you have very little time for your business.

But, if you don’t network enough, you might find yourself with not enough work or clients.

So, how do you find that happy medium?

Finding Your Groove

How was your weekend?

Mine was fabulous.

We hosted a party for our nephews and their significant others graduations.

My older nephew and his wife graduated from their post-college studies (I don’t remember their exact degrees).

And my younger nephew and his fiance graduated from college and we all attended the graduation ceremony. They attended college about 20 minutes from here.

It was a weekend of family.

Which is wonderful and tiring all at the same time.

In some ways, I feel like I’m still finding my groove for hosting these family parties. Even though this is probably the fourth or fifth party we’ve hosted (and my sister-in-law is fabulous and always plans and brings much of the food).

This week’s Wednesday Live with Evie topic is Networking and Your Schedule.

This topic came about because someone at a networking event asked me about it and suggested that I cover this in more detail in a Wednesday Live with Evie (so, if there’s something you’d like to see, let me know!).

Just like me finding my groove for hosting family parties, sometimes you need to find your networking groove with your schedule.

If you network a bunch one week, you might find that you have very little time for your business.

But, if you don’t network enough, you might find yourself with not enough work or clients.

So, how do you find that happy medium?

Let’s talk about that this week.

Update: You can find this Wednesday LIVE with Evie here.