
How to choose more effective weekly priorities

I’ve been talking about choosing your most important task each week recently.

It’s a very important part of planning your week and your success (it’s also an important part of the Unnamed Productivity Club).

There’s a couple of things that you can do to make your most important task each week even more powerful, more likely to be finished, and ensure that it’s the task that really is most important to you and your business.

I share about this in the video below.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #79

How much time do you have for your WORK each week?

A friend forwarded me an article that she thought I’d be interested in about why we’re so bad at planning our time.

She’s right, I was interested.

It spoke of something that I realized a few years ago and was a huge factor in why I had some time management problems at the time and when working for someone else.

It’s the assumption that I had 40 hours to do my WORK.

But it’s just not true.

By the time you count the time spent in:

  • daily meetings (we had a standing daily morning meeting)
  • other meetings
  • time spent checking and responding to email
  • bathroom breaks
  • chat/conversations with co-workers
  • phone calls with clients
  • handling the things that just pop up during the day
  • setting priorities for the day/week/month

Well, you’re lucky if that leaves you with 25 hours to actually do WORK for the week.

That doesn’t even take into account things like deciding that you’re going to write a blog post for the week and estimating that it will take you 30 minutes to write it. But you’ve forgotten to account for the time it will take to do make it an email or publish it to your blog or coming up with a catchy (yet descriptive) title and any other little details that go into it that make that 30-minute task closer to an hour (or more).

In this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie, below, I talk about this.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #78

Is “being fair” holding you back?

Last week I was going through my blog archives and found this article on fairness and how it can negatively affect your business.

One of the first things we’re taught as kids in school is to patiently wait our turn.

It’s not a bad thing (or a good thing) it’s just something that we’re taught so that things flow more easily for all in certain situations where chaos might otherwise prevail.

The problem for our business can occur when we judge everything by how fair it is or isn’t.

It can lead to envy and resentment where we could be learning about ourselves or how to have a more successful business.

This week for Wednesday LIVE with Evie I’ll talk about this.

You’ll leave the LIVE:

  • knowing how fairness might be showing up in your business
  • understanding how fairness is holding you back from success
  • with questions to ask when you get caught up in the fairness of it all

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #77

Preventing a really tough week

Last week my husband, Nate, was away with our church’s high school mission trip.

I took the week off because last year I had grand plans for the week he was gone, but very little actually was accomplished.

I decided I’d lean into doing nothing while Nate was gone last week and planned only six things (one of which I ended up missing).

This week for Wednesday LIVE with Evie I talk about why I think nothing got done last year and how/why this year was different for me.

You’ll leave with:

  • ideas for how to use your mega failures for success later
  • knowing why your expectations are so very important
  • a way to get help

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #76

Deciding how to market your business

There are sooooo many different ways you can market, promote, and run your business.

Each different marketing and/or sales expert has a different take on what’s important and what everyone should be doing (or not doing).

So, when you’re at a stage of business where you’re learning lots of new things (or different approaches to the same thing) how do you know what to focus on first?

Or, you have lots of ideas about what you could sell and how you might promote it, but you’re losing a lot of time trying to figure out what you should be doing (or you’re trying to do it all and driving yourself batty)

When you’re really clear on those two things I share in the video below, it will make choosing your marketing projects/tasks easier.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #75