
What to do with frustrating projects that take longer than expected

The past four weeks I’ve had the same project on my to-do list.

And I was supposed to be done with it two weeks ago.

It’s not that I haven’t made progress, I have.

This project has taken much, much longer than I expected it to.

And it’s been a bit frustrating for me.

I declared this project the most annoying thing ever to my husband last week (which he found extremely amusing).

Because I’m so tired of it (and frustrated), I thought about ignoring it this week.

But over the weekend I realized that 1) I’m actually pretty close to completing it and 2) this is a good experience to share with you.

So, for this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie (below) we’ll be talking about what to do with frustrating projects that take longer than expected.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #74

What failure and mazes have in common

I love puzzle games.

One of the first ones I played was 7th Guest when I was a teenager.

I learned the trick to mazes through that game.

I replayed it last year and still loved it.

And I realized that mazes and failure have some things in common that can help us with our outlook on business.

Let’s talk about that for this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie below.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #73

Facebook in under 30 minutes a day

This week during the Q&A time of Monday’s call for the Unnamed Productivity Club, one of the members asked how she could keep up with Facebook without it becoming a huge time suck.

Some of my advice was to know exactly what you want to accomplish with your social media time and write out each piece of it (whether it’s wishing friends happy birthday, checking in on a specific Facebook group, or staying up to date with friends, colleagues or potential clients).

The way I do this is by creating bookmarks in my browser. Then I open all the shortcuts and work my way through the tabs.

As I was sharing this with her I realized that I’ve answered that question before and usually they want to hear a bit more about how that works.

So, for this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie I share exactly what I do to stay on top of Facebook in under 30 minutes a day.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #72

The first step in deciding your weekly priorities

Someone recently asked me how to do that when you have A LOT of things that need to happen.

And I get it – when you have A LOT of things that need to get done it can feel really overwhelming and downright impossible to pick 1-3 priorities for the week. Because EVERYTHING HAS TO GET DONE NOW.

Well, the quick answer is to grab the workbook How to Choose Priorities When EVERYTHING is Important from above.

For the more nuanced answer, watch the video.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #71

What if you enjoyed the view and didn’t compare yourself to others?

I was driving through a neighborhood I drive through a few times a month and was thinking what I normally think as I’m driving through homes:

  • what would it be like to live here?
  • how long would it take to visit family from here?
  • where would I grocery shop?
  • what would Nate’s commute be?

Then I had an aha moment that changed the whole experience “Why isn’t my thought ever ‘I enjoy driving through this neighborhood’?”

Well, that would just change everything.

In the video below I discuss this and how it would affect our businesses too.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #70