
What to do when you want to work and enjoy the season at the same time

Do you have this interesting thing that happens at this time of year where you simultaneously want to slow down and also get ALL THE THINGS done?

Maybe it’s just me?

Doing fun and cozy things call to me to leave my office and work and partake of them.

But I also have new ideas percolating and the implementation of previous new ideas.

I think this is why people want to clone themselves. One part can stay in the office and satisfy that need to get ALL THE THINGS done and the other part can watch movies, do puzzles, and hang out with family.

It’s an interesting combination in my head.

Maybe yours too?

I don’t have a perfect way to handle it (I’d love to hear your suggestions!).

There are things I do that help.

When I’m working and I want to abandon all things for a new puzzle or movie these are some things I do:

  • Have a list of what I want to get done that day (and it might be a little shorter than what it would be at other times)
  • Work from the list (yes, I’m writing this out because I’m sure I’m not the only one that writes the list and then occasionally abandons it for other tasks)
  • Give myself a time that I get to put work away regardless of what is left on the list (with the understanding that I can do that without guilt or frustration)
For the times when I’m with family, watching a movie, or doing a puzzle and I’m thinking of all the work I could be completing or have an idea that just seems fabulous I have some other ideas.

If I’m with family I have a notebook close by or app on my phone (textpad, memo, or something else really simple) that I can quickly write down ideas or things to do that popup.

If I’m by myself it can be trickier. 

Do I stop what I’m doing to go do the thing that pops into my head? Generally no. 

I’ve already created some boundaries so I respect them and my personal time. 

So, the advice above is used here too. However, if I have an idea I might take a couple of minutes to do some quick research or write out some details of the idea.

Do you have both these things happening at this time of year too? What are your suggestions?

I talk about this in the video below.


The other side of accountability

What is the first thing you think of when you hear accountability?

Do you think of someone who looks disapprovingly down her nose at you when you don’t finish something on time?

Or does it look different?

Is there understanding, support, or compassion?

Sometimes in our desire (or rush or push) to get things done, it’s easy to forget other things that are also important.

I share about this in the video below.


What internal places do you make decisions from every day?

Have you ever thought about how you make decisions?

Well, not the process you use to make decisions, but is there something special about decisions you make that you tend to stick with?

Why are there some decisions that are quickly abandoned and others that you half-heartedly move forward with? 

AND then there the ones that you stay committed to.

The ones that when you are deciding (consciously or not) whether to abandon or continue with, that you stick with.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. 

There is a decision or commitment that I feel like I should do. I should commit to it, tell a few key people about it, and get it done.

I’ve learned that I do pretty badly with should do‘s that aren’t also want to‘s.

And then there’s this other thing that comes into play that keeps popping up for me.

Something that I feel like is unique to me but maybe isn’t.

It feels like there are two places in me that make decisions.

One is the logical, determined side that says, THIS is the goal and HERE IS what we’re going to do to meet it.

It’s the part that wants to declare the commitment or goal loudly and move toward it.

And then there is the other place. 

It’s quiet and determined.

It’s the place where the work actually gets done.

And if this place in me is not fully on board with the commitment or goal (or whatever), then it’s just not going to happen.

It doesn’t require a grand announcement of the goal (in fact, it prefers if there’s not one). 

I’m working on honoring and recognizing that quiet and determined voice more.

When I do, then I can use that other side to create the plans.

Am I alone here or do you have these two places that make decisions too? (I’d love it if you’d share in the comments below!)

How do you describe them?


Defining your work-life balance

Anytime I hear something and it’s still rolling around in my brain a few days later, I try to take notice.

I’ve heard the topic work-life balance come up a couple times in the last week and remembered a demonstration I’ve done in the past to help illustrate my thoughts on work-life balance.

In this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie, I talk about defining your work-life balance

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #85