Welcome to December!
What is December made up of for you?
Is it a fun time of family, food, and joy?
Is it a time to slow down, review, and take a break?
Or, as I hear from so many people, is it a super busy time of business and family?
I hear many people talk about how they’re trying to get their business wrapped up for the year, their free time is consumed with holiday decorating and gift buying and trips away to see family (which is fun and sometimes stressful).
(And check out this video on self-care – it includes things that you might not think about like drinking water and grabbing some alone time if you’re an introvert networking and things that you might think about like massages)
And I know in the past, this is the time of the year where I might avoid goal setting because it means I’ll look at what didn’t go well, where I failed, and I’ll think about just how far I’ve yet to go.
So, for this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie we talk about How far you’ve come (vs How far you have to go).