November Book Review (Ask)

Book cover for AskThis month’s book review is for “Ask : The counterintuitive online formula to discover exactly what your customers want to buy…create a mass of raving fans…and take any business to the next level” by Ryan Levesque.

Yes, the title is that long.

In my opinion, the title should be “Ask : Take any online business to the next level”

The difference is this book is really for already successful online businesses.

And I’ll be completely honest, once I realized that I lightly skimmed the book.

This book isn’t a good fit for you at the moment if:

  • A majority of your business comes from face to face interactions
  • You’re still working out the details of being able to regularly pay your business bills
  • You don’t have time to spend laying out an extensive and well thought out online questioning/survey process

This book is for you if:

  • You have a moderately successful business with a significant online presence and you want to take it to the next level
  • You have a somewhat moderately successful online business
  • You’re willing to spend your time and energy to read this book 2-3 times and create an extensive and well thought out and planned online questioning/survey process.

Seriously, if your business is primarily face-to-face with little or no online presence, skip this book. It will only be a distraction (a bright and shiny object) and you’ll be better served to spend your time and energy elsewhere.

What are your thoughts about this book?