
Networking Productively

As I was thinking about what I would write about this week, I remembered some conversations I’ve had with a couple different friends about networking – and the frustration with it sometimes.

AND I remembered how BAD at it I was when I started.

Now, I consider how bad I was as a bit of a gift, because I’ve learned a lot about networking over the years. So, I also have a lot to share (and yes, there’s still a bit to learn – always).

So, in this week’s Wednesday LIVE with Evie I shared a few of my tips about networking productively you can see the replay here.

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #19

I cover:

  • How to pick where to network
  • Evaluating your networking success
  • How to have a successful one-on-one (and what it is)
  • What to prepare for networking events

Things that will save you time (and sanity) later

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #18

What are things you do that save you time later?
Or what is taking you forever that you wish you could save time on?

Here’s a quick outline of what was shared:

  • Why doing your bookkeeping twice a month is a good idea
  • What to do with that bookkeeping time
  • To-do lists (of course! 😉 )

Were you scrambling too?

Last week I did a Q&A in my Facebook group. You can find that here. You’ll only be able to see it if you’re IN the group. So, it’s the perfect time to join us!
One of the questions that was asked was this:

How do you keep up with bookkeeping when EVERY tax season you promise you’ll do better next year and next year comes and you’res till scrambling to update the bookkeeping?

And I’ll admit it, this was a problem for me this year too!

In the Q&A I shared a strategy I learned from the book Profit First by Mike Michalowixz that I’m implementing this month. And last week I challenged the Productivity for Women Entrepreneurs group to implement it.

The book suggests you only do your bookkeeping twice a month (and not whenever you have time).

Staying on top of your bookkeeping is one of those things that you can do now, or you can take a really long time to do later. Believe me, experience has taught me that staying on top if it is worth my time. AND saves me time (and sanity) later.

So, join me for Wednesday LIVE with Evie at 1pm CDT tomorrow for things that will save you time later.

I’ll share a bit more about why Profit First suggests doing your bookkeeping only twice a month and other tasks that will save you time (and sanity) later.

What are things you do that save you time later?
Or what is taking you forever that you wish you could save time on?
Comment below and tell me.

The “Getting-Stuff-Done” productivity misconception

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #17

What’s your relationship with your ability to “get stuff done” and your to-do list?

Sound like a ridiculous question?

Well, maybe.

But tell me, when you think about getting stuff done, or how much you get done in a day/week—how does it feel?

Does it feel like you’re wading through knee deep thick mud?

Or that you’re walking on a path?