
Productivity for Solopreneurs - Insights to getting things done #105 : Intentions vs Goals

Intentions vs Goals

Every month in the Unnamed Productivity Club we have a Planning Party.

This isn’t about the club.

It’s about something I share there everymonth before we do our planning.

It’s the difference between intentions and goals.

It’s an important distinction because too many times I see someone setting a goal that they want to make a certain amount of money or sign this many new clients this month.

And maybe they even create a really fun way to track their progress toward that goal.

But if you ask them about how they’re going to achieve that goal, they have some vague plans that they’re not tracking.

This is why this distinction is so important.

When you separate intentions from goals, you end up with a two-step process that helps you create the outcomes that you really want.

So, what is the difference between intentions and goals?

What most people call goals I call intentions because you intend for them to happen, but can’t actually control it. You can make the conditions more favorable for them to happen, but you aren’t directly in charge.

You can’t control what happens.

Intentions are things like how much money you want to make, how many clients you work with, etc.

You can’t force someone to work with you, that’s a decision that someone else makes.

However, you can do any number of things to encourage those intentions to occur.

Those are goals.

Goals are how many phone calls you make, how many networking events you attend, how many social media posts you put on your business page each week, etc.

YOU can control the outcome of your goals.

Next time you’re doing monthly planning for your business (or anything really) ask:

  1. What do I want to happen? What’s the income, client, or other intention that I’m setting for the month.
  2. What goals will encourage that intention to occur?

And you can create a really fun way to track your progress toward your goals AND intentions if you want.

You can learn more about the Unnamed Productivity Club by clicking here.

Or to have a private goal setting session with me, fill out the application for coaching by clicking here.


Productivity for Solopreneurs - Insights to getting things done #104 : How a to-do list helps you get more done in less time

How a to-do list helps you get more done in less time

Every Monday my to-do list is pretty much the same.

And that might lead you (or even me) to think that I don’t need a written to-do list to get those things done.

This Monday I didn’t write down my to-do list until after lunch.​​

The result was that some of the things I completed on Monday didn’t need to be done that day or even the next.

And some of the things that didn’t get done Monday would have made my week flow a little bit better if they would have been done.​​​​

Basically, with a to-do list, I wouldn’t have just gotten more done, I would have completed more of the important things (like writing and sending this email earlier).

Let’s talk about how a to-do list helps you get more done in less time (and to get those little things that come up but aren’t super important done).


Productivity for Solopreneurs - Insights to getting things done #103 : Systems vs Processes (and how they help you)

Systems vs Processes (and how they help you)

What processes and systems do you have in place for your business?

You have them, even if you don’t know it!

That’s one reason why today I decided to talk about the difference between processes and systems and how they work together.

But when I Googled it to see if someone could define it clearly, I felt like I understood it less!

Instead of defining it (and confusing us both!) I share some real-life examples in the video below.


Productivity for Solopreneurs : Insights to getting things done #102 - Finding a daily to-do list that works for you

Finding a daily to-do list that works for you

I have some specific habits that keep things moving here (here being my business).

One of those habits is creating my daily to-do list.

I’ve noticed that the days that go a little off the rail (or a lot) are the days that I haven’t created one. 

The days I don’t have a to-do list are the ones that:

  • I fall into the “I know what I need to do and don’t need a list” trap
  • I get sidetracked by checking email or Facebook “quickly”
  • I’m not sure what I actually did that day

When I have my list I have a visual reminder of what I am focusing on right now and that I will have an email and Facebook check later. 

I’ve also noticed it helps to create this list the evening before (it takes me longer to create this list in the morning).

And, through a bit of trial and error, I know what format my daily to-do list needs to be in for it to be most helpful to me.

But what works best for me might not work best for you.

So, I put together a short list of different formats of daily to-do lists to share with you on Wednesday when I go live on Facebook.

If daily to-do lists are not something that you do, I encourage you to attend on Wednesday (or watch the recording later) and see if one of the methods might work for you. 

You can find the video below.


Productivity for Solopreneurs : Insights to getting things done #101 - What do you do when you're overwhelmed, don't know where to start, and don't feel like you're making progress?

What do you do when you’re overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, and don’t feel like you’re making progress?

Last week was my 100th Facebook live! I did a Q&A and you can watch it by clicking here if you missed it.

I’ve been thinking about the first question that was asked.

It was “I recently started my business and am overwhelmed with how much there is to do! Some days I have NO idea where to start. I never feel like I’m making any progress. How do I manage everything without going crazy and start making progress?”

Even if you haven’t recently started your business, you can probably relate to the question (I know I can).

The quick version of what I said last week was:

  1. Look for where you can start cutting back on receiving new information
  2. Decide what you’re going to do and stick with for a bit to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t.

And I have more to say on this topic!

I’ll share it in this week’s Productivity for Solopreneurs: Insights to getting things done. You can watch it below..

Productivity for Solopreneurs: Insights to getting things done #101