Messy Desks

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #20

I share:

  • What a messy desk does (or doesn’t) say about you
  • The tactic I used to tackle it
  • The bigger questions to ask

I also answer the question:

My desk is a mess right now and I never take time to clear it off. Seems like a time waster, yet I always stare at it and it bugs me. Is there a smart way to tackle this stuff so I can move on?

Things that will save you time (and sanity) later

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #18

What are things you do that save you time later?
Or what is taking you forever that you wish you could save time on?

Here’s a quick outline of what was shared:

  • Why doing your bookkeeping twice a month is a good idea
  • What to do with that bookkeeping time
  • To-do lists (of course! 😉 )

The “Getting-Stuff-Done” productivity misconception

Wednesday LIVE with Evie #17

What’s your relationship with your ability to “get stuff done” and your to-do list?

Sound like a ridiculous question?

Well, maybe.

But tell me, when you think about getting stuff done, or how much you get done in a day/week—how does it feel?

Does it feel like you’re wading through knee deep thick mud?

Or that you’re walking on a path?