Have you ever had a decision to make or a problem and wished you had someone to share the situation with and receive some guidance?
Yeah, me too.
Thankfully, I do have that, I have friends and am in programs that provide helpful and useful thoughts, opinions, help, support, and guidance.
Some are more formal relationships and others are more laid back.
And there are different things that I bring to different people/groups. It depends on the relationship.
One way that I’ve received guidance, is through business mastermind groups.
I have a long love affair of mastermind groups – I joined my first business mastermind group in 2010 before I had a business!
It was great. I was in a group with established business owners (people who had businesses with clients that paid them!) and up-and-coming business owners (people who had businesses with clients that paid them, but not enough) and there was me and aspiring business owner.
I thought I’d have nothing to add to the conversation, but I did. While I couldn’t share advice or stories around what had worked for me in business, I could share what would appeal to me as a potential client.
I learned a lot from that group and am still connected with many of the ladies.
My other experiences with mastermind groups have been just as wonderful and each was set up differently. Each group has its own feel – and I always get what I need from each of them when I fully show up and participate.
I’ve brought many topics to the various mastermind groups I’ve been a part of – marketing questions, frustrations, and struggles I was working through. And each time I received insightful questions, suggestions, and guidance.
And I’ve found for myself, business masterminding is most helpful when I’m with a group of people who already know me and my business a bit because we see each other regularly in a structured mastermind.
How would being in a mastermind group benefit you and your business?
If you’re interested in joining a formal mastermind group, on October 12 I’m hosting a “Come try it out” morning session. You can find all the information and RSVP here.
I have two groups of the Momentum Mastermind group starting, this “come try it out” session will give you a feel for what it’s all about.